New Article: "5 Musts for Restarting Talent Mobility"

New Article: "5 Musts for Restarting Talent Mobility"

Deploying talent in the current pandemic, and as businesses return to work, requires a symphony of actions. In a recent article published by TLNT, Cara Skourtis, NuCompass Vice President, Knowledge & Experience states that, "As an employer, there are five 'musts' to ensure your talent mobility efforts assure employee safety, logistical effectiveness, supportive assistance, and cost-efficient results." The need to put the right talent in the right place didn’t go away because of the pandemic and there are 5 steps that should be considered: 

  1. Ensure the safety and well being of employees
  2. Improve communication to increase relocation support
  3. Implement new protections for mobile employees
  4. Understand global impacts
  5. Provide additional support to relocating employees. 

To see the details on the "5 Musts for Restarting Talent Mobility," read the full TLNT article here.