Strategies for Optimizing Your Intern Relocation Program

Strategies for Optimizing Your Intern Relocation Program

Internship programs are a cornerstone of talent development for many organizations, with 72% of interns being offered full-time positions after their internship, according to Forbes. These programs offer a unique opportunity to attract and nurture emerging talent while infusing fresh perspectives into the workforce. However, when it comes to getting interns to the right work location, there are several critical relocation factors to consider.

Let’s explore six key considerations that NuCompass recommends for designing relocation programs that can help you achieve that coveted “intern to full-time employee” ratio:

  1. Strategic Alignment. Before diving into the logistics of relocation, it’s essential to align your relocation strategies with your organizational goals and the objectives of your intern program. Consider how relocation contributes to your talent acquisition, retention, and overall business objectives. By ensuring alignment, you can tailor relocation packages that not only meet interns’ needs but also support your organization’s strategic priorities and corporate initiatives.
  2. Customized Solutions. Interns come from diverse backgrounds and may have varying needs and preferences regarding relocation. Offering personalized relocation solutions demonstrates your commitment to supporting their transition. From housing assistance to transportation arrangements, providing a range of relocation options ensures interns feel valued and supported through the process. Customization fosters a positive experience, enhancing intern satisfaction and productivity during their program.
  3. Budgetary Considerations. While investing in relocation programs for interns is essential, it’s equally crucial to establish a realistic budget to guide decision-making. Since the majority of intern programs are short-term, evaluate the associated costs, including transportation, housing, and temporary living expenses. Balancing financial constraints with the need to provide competitive relocation packages is key to maximizing ROI and ensuring cost-effectiveness in your intern program. For example, furnished accommodations may be a more effective choice compared to an unfurnished apartment plus household goods allowance.   Ask your Relocation Management Company (RMC) about roommate options for temporary housing for additional cost savings.  
  4. Company Culture. Relocation extends beyond physical transitions; it encompasses cultural assimilation and integration into the organizational ethos. Consider facilitating cultural orientation sessions to familiarize interns with your company culture, values, and work environment in a short amount of time. Encourage interaction with peers and mentors to foster camaraderie and collaboration. By prioritizing cultural integration, you cultivate a sense of belonging among interns, enhancing their engagement and performance.
  5. Mentorship and Support. Interns  that relocate may experience challenges adjusting to the new location and work environment. Establish mentorship programs to provide guidance, support, and resources throughout the program, including during the relocation process. Assign mentors who understand the nuances of relocation can foster meaningful connections and facilitate knowledge transfer. Additionally, the RMC can offer resources to address any concerns or inquiries, ensuring a smooth transition for interns.
  6. Evaluation and Feedback. Continuous evaluation and feedback mechanisms are instrumental in refining and optimizing relocation programs for interns. The RMC will  solicit feedback from interns regarding their relocation experience, often identifying areas  for enhancement. You can then leverage data analytics and performance metrics to assess the effectiveness of your relocation strategies and make informed decisions for future intern programs.


Strategically incorporating relocation s into your intern program is an investment in talent development and organizational growth to help retain top talent. By prioritizing strategic alignment, customization, budgetary considerations, cultural integration, mentorship, and intern feedback, you can create a robust framework that enhances the intern experience and drives success for your organization.

An excellent way to offer customizability while maintaining cost control is to consider an lump sum program, provided through an enhanced platform like CoPilot Express™ which offers guided support, connection to vetted suppliers, automatic cash back rebates, destination information, educational resources, and more.

At NuCompass, we are committed to partnering with you to design and implement tailored relocation solutions that align with your intern program objectives. Contact us today to learn more about how we can support your organization's talent management initiatives.